Romanian Academy
Tourism and Rural Space
27th International Conference
29-31 May 2025
Vatra Dornei

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
About TARS 2025
Abstract submission: 31 March
Notification of abstract acceptance: 15 April
Presenting author registration: 1 May
Submission of full paper due for review: 30 June
Notification of paper acceptance (with any requested changes): 20 October
Final paper due (with any changes): 31 October
Bank Account
Fundația Academică pentru Progres Rural "Terra Nostra" (Terra Nostra Academic Foundation for Rural Progress)
Banca Comercială Română (BCR) (Romanian Commercial Bank)
C.F. 11759155
Please send the proof of payment to the address: geo_tacu@yahoo.com
The payment order must include the description: TARS 2025.
Oral presentations and manuscripts are accepted in both English and Romanian.
PowerPoint presentations will be in English only.
Upon authors' consent, selected (by editors) manuscripts in English will undergo a double-blind peer review process before publication in the Economy and Contemporary Society - ECS journal, which is indexed in RePEc and EBSCO.
Not peer-reviewed manuscripts in English as well as all manuscripts in Romanian will be published in the Tourism and Rural Space - TARS volumes.
Venue & Accommodation
The conference will take place at the National Agency for Mountain Areas - ANZM (CEFIDEC) in Vatra Dornei (Romania).
CEFIDEC can provide free accommodation for up to 50 participants in the order of requests.
Payable rooms at nearby guesthouses are available upon request.
Georgia Tacu (Iași): +40-759669081
Dănuț Ungureanu (Vatra Dornei): +40-745865163
â–ª no fee for online presentation
Presentation of maximum 2 papers with 1 common author.
â–ª €50 for onsite presentation
Presentation of maximum 2 papers with 1 common author.
â–ª €50 for publication
Publication of maximum 2 papers, presented in person or online, with 1 common author.
â–ª €75 for silent paper publication
Publication of 1 paper not presented at the conference.
â–ª€50/person for onsite participation (authors and accompanying persons)
Abstracts (approximately 200-250 words in English), manuscripts and PowerPoint presentations will be submitted to either of the following e-mail addresses:

Georgia Tacu
Tel: +40 759 669 081
E-mail: geo_tacu@yahoo.com
Dănuț Ungureanu
Tel: +40 745 865 163
E-mail: danut_u@yahoo.com
National Agency for Mountain Areas - ANZM
23 Runc Street, 725700, Vatra Dornei, Romania
Centre of Training and Innovation for Development
in the Carpathians - CEFIDEC
23 Runc Street, 725700, Vatra Dornei, Romania